Irony is a very significant element in literature. However, the meaning of irony is often confused with a simple 'coincidence'. Irony is a figure of speech in which the intended meaning and the actual meaning differ. There are four major types of irony. These consist of situational irony, verbal irony, dramatic irony, and tragic irony. Irony involves a difference or contrast between appearance and reality. Examples of situational and dramatic irony includes what is and what ought to be, what is and what seems to be, what is and what one wishes to be, and what is and what one expects to be. The three most common types of irony include verbal, situational, and dramatic.
1/29/2013 02:01:45 am

Good point, it's important to know the difference between coincidence and irony. The 4 types of irony can be hard to keep track of. Luckily, there is an easy was to remember SVDT= sudan van detroit travel. You're welcome.

Cara Easley
1/29/2013 12:29:04 pm

I agree that it is important to know the difference between coincidence and irony. Irony too is confused with sarcasm a lot. Knowing the types of irony helps clarify the process of determining of irony was used or not


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