The concept of point of view is very complex. Point of view is the perspective of a story. There are seven different points of view. Here is a list of them:
    1. Omniscient
    2. Third-Person Limited (major character)
    3. Third-Person Limited (minor character)
    4. First Person (major character)
    5. First Person (minor character)
    6. Objective (dramatic)
    7. Second-Person
Each of these types of points of view differ from another in their own ways. When a story is told in first person, the story is coming directly from someone who is previlant in the story. A story told in thrid-person comes from someone in the story, but is not the main character. There are three types of third-person roles. One is third-person omniscient, which is told in third-person by the narrator of the story with unlimited knowledge and prerogatives. Some examples of what a third-person omniscient character could be compared to includes Sanata Clause or God. Third-person limited is when the story is told in third-person from the viewpoint of a character that is in the story. Third-Person stream of consciousness presents the random thoughts going through a character's head within a certain period of time.
    When reading a story, point of view can effect the narrator's credibilty. For example, an omniscient character is all knowing. A first person character

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